Marry Him - Buku Inggris Impor Murah Berkualitas
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Beli Disini Aj Mrry Him - Buku Inggris Impor Murh Berkulits Produk Pilihn Hlmn: hl Kondisi: 95% Bhs: Inggris Gottlieb. 37. mde the decision to become single prent fter yers of serching for Mr. Right. Four yers lter. when she still hdnt found him. she decided to tke good look t her dting hbitsnd the dting hbits of women round herto see if the problem is not derth of good men but rther womens expecttions of them. Gottlieb finds tht women wnt it llnd often rent willing to compromise on their list of trits their idel mte must hve. In their twenties. mny women leve good reltionships bsed on n elusive feeling tht they could find something more with someone else. nd they regret it down the rod when their choices dwindle. Its not tht women rent willing to settle; its tht mny refuse to recognize tht their vision of the perfect mn doesnt mtch relity. With the help of dting coch Evn Mrc Ktz. Gottlieb reconsidered her own stndrds in the hope of finding hppiness. Gottliebs honest. stute nlysis will resonte with mny women nd mke them unesy s they recognize themselves in her experiences nd those of the women she interviews. Gottlieb mkes strong cse in this groundbreking work. Notes: Untuk produk buku. The Humble Store tidk menerim clim retur. Hrg buku telh disesuikn dengn tingkt kelngkn. ongkos eskpedisi / hnd-crry dri Tiwn. Foto kondisi buku lebih detil. dpt dmin The Humble Store vi 3838. Hppy shopping :)# |
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