Kacang Almond Oven Kulit Ari 200 gr (Premium Quality) Super
Nama Produk | Kacang Almond Oven Kulit Ari 200 gr (Premium Quality) Super |
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Jngn Tunggu Lgi Beli Sekrng Kcng Almond Oven Kulit Ari gr (Premium Qulity) Super Jminn Mutu KACANG ALMOND (DARI USA CALIFORNIA) BRMANFAAT UNTUK MMPRBANYAK ASI BUNDA. BAHKAN BAIK UTK KSHATAN PRKMBANGAN OTAK BALITA BUNDA PROTIN ALMOND SBANDING DNGAN DAGING KAYA VITAMIN - - B6 TINGGI KALSIUM PHOSPOR (SBANDING DNGAN SUSU SAPI) It is rich source of vitmin . clcium. phosphorous. iron nd mgnesium. It lso contins zinc. selenium. copper nd nicin. Almonds contin the most nutrients in comprison to ll other nuts. Good for brin: Almond is source of mny nutrients which help in development of the brin. Almond induces high intellectul level nd hs been considered s n essentil food item for growing children. Mny mothers give lmonds soked in wter to their children dily in the morning 2-3 pieces of soked lmonds re good enough. you cn lso remove the outer shell if it cuses llergy to you. Regultes cholesterol: Regulr consumption of lmonds helps to increse the level of high density lipoproteins (HDL) nd reduce the level of low density lipoproteins (LDL). thereby effectively controlling cholesterol levels. Good for hert: Mono-sturted ft. protein nd potssium contined in lmonds re good for the hert. Vitmin cts s n ntioxidnt nd reduces the risk of hert diseses. The presence of mgnesium in lmonds helps to void hert ttcks. Almonds help reduce C-rective protein which cuses rtery-dmging inflmmtion. Skin cre: The benefits of lmond for skin cre re well known. nd hence mssge with lmond oil is often recommended for new born bbies. Regultes blood pressure: Potssium present in lmond helps to regultes blood pressure. Almonds re very low in sodium which lso helps in contining blood pressure. Prevention of cncer: Almond improves the movement of food through the colon. thereby preventing colon cncer. Protection ginst dibet# |
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